Danelle Lopez

Photo of Los Angeles Buildings
Danelle’s passions include baking and decorating specialty cookies, drawing and reading. She takes pride in raising two wonderful, independent beautiful adult daughters with her husband whom she married just out of college. There are three fur babies in the mix. When the seasons change and the fur flies, she just calls it doggy glitter.

Danelle Lopez

Legal Secretary


Danelle Lopez is a top-notch Legal Secretary at Schonbuch Hallissy LLP, with over 35 years of experience. Before joining the Firm, the vast majority of Danelle’s work was in asbestos defense litigation and real estate law. She brought her knowledge to the Firm and is now an integral part of the litigation defense and trial team, while also maintaining an extremely busy desk and sharing her understanding of practice and procedures with both seasoned and new associates. Danelle’s communication skills are second to none and she maintains a great rapport with opposing counsel, clients and experts. She also possesses a unique ability to make everyone laugh in the midst of stressful situations. Danelle attended Los Angeles Pierce Community College and attained a degree in Office Administration-Legal Secretarial together with a Certificate in the lost art form of written shorthand, which she still uses today.