Charlene Washington

Headshot of Charlene Washington
Charlene is married, has two children, and two grandchildren. She enjoys reading, meditating and visiting Monterey, California.

Charlene Washington

Legal Secretary


Charlene Washington is a Legal Secretary with Schonbuch Hallissy LLP, and has been with the firm since 1999. Charlene’s background in Radio News, as a News Director/Reporter/Producer and Television Talk Show Host/Producer helped prepare her for where she is today. As with any news story, to get to the truth (or some semblance thereof), you have to report/present both sides of an issue then allow the audience to make up their minds, as to who is telling the truth.

Charlene earned her BA Degree in Radio and Television Production from Savannah State College, started her career in Radio News and Television as a Talk Show Host/Producer, then began working in the legal field, first as a receptionist with the Firm, then as a Legal Assistant. Charlene decided to expand her educational prowess, and earned her MA Degree in International and Corporate Communications.